About Me

"Well Joe, I'm a headhunter. I hook up out of work soviet scientists with rouge third-world nations..."   

- Matthew Perry

My Latest Work

The direction of art

Kenneth Steinbach felt his heart beating in his chest. Today was his first day of teaching. Normally he would prefer to spend his time off indoors in his art studio. But this time, Steinbach had decided to do something different. He’d always been more introverted, people had said he’d make a terrible teacher. But when the University of Northwestern–St. Paul’s studio art teacher took a sabbatical, and Steinbach took the opportunity. His hand gripped the doorknob of the art room, frozen in place f

Far from home — Textura 2022

Factories run continuously primarily thanks to migrant labor. Impoverished workers find seasonal or permanent work in the fields harvesting mustard and wheat. Others send money home, predominantly to eastern states, for their work in factories processing rice, making bricks and distilling liquor. A major agricultural and industrial state, Haryana owns an abundance of hard labor jobs compared to poorer, eastern states. The promise of wages drives young men such as Rohit to make long journeys away


Bethel students reminisce over their biggest regrets from their lives. Such regrets range from doing the splits at homecoming to not spending enough time with their family.

One student in particular regrets not spending time with her brother before he passed away.

“Probably not reaching out to my older brother,” the student said. “And then in December 2, 2020, he passed away.”

[To better learn their camera kits and Adobe Premiere, Digital Storytelling students produce #TFTB — Thoughts from th

Defaced by science

Ben Ostlie stared at his canvas of notes. It was a late Wednesday night, almost too late. Facilities management had come in once, trying to clean the classroom. Ostlie politely asked them to come back later. He had spent three hours graffitiing his whiteboard. His eyelids felt heavy, sleep beckoned for him. But sleep would have to wait, his general physics exam was far more important. He’s been in BAC344 every night that week, covering the walls in notes and graphs.

Ostlie is a junior studying

Innocence and dreams

Rocio fidgeted in her chair as she was interviewed for Textura magazine’s Border of Dreams Documentary by director Nataly Basterrechea. Suddenly, five-year-old Rocio looked beyond the production equipment in front of her and her big brown eyes exploded with joy as a smile burst across her mouth.

“Here comes my dad,” Rocio said.

The Border of Dreams documentary premiered Oct. 12, 7 p.m. at Bethel University’s Benson Great Hall in St. Paul, Minn. Executive Producer Scott Winter counted 350 peopl

A soldier and student

Issac Bei wiped the sweat from his brow, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath. His legs heaved and screamed out in pain, a noise only he could hear, a noise he chose to ignore. This was his first 6-mile ruck, a grueling test of physical and mental endurance that he refused to let conquer him. With only 2 miles left to go, Bei adjusted his straps, squared his shoulders, and continued on. He was motivated. Failure was not an option.

The initial ruck packing list required only thi

Follow Me Instagram: Mharjo02